After having submitted my short film “Nocito” to the short film corner at Cannes I discovered what was to be a very huge short film market. With more than 1900 short film submissions in the Short Film Corner (SFC) it’s really hard to imagine that anyone would actually give a toss and watch your film. There were simply too many!
What was great about the SFC at Cannes though was that every evening at 5pm was happy hour – and free alcohol up for grabs for the cash strapped filmmakers who had travelled half way around the world to be part of the Short Film Corner – and like me learning the ropes. Many filmmakers exchanged business cards and postcards, and soon learnt very quickly that it was all about “promoting” their film, in any way possible - including luring other filmmakers to “screenings” of their short films in the mini-theatres that were made available by the SFC at filmmaker’s disposable. Many were successful in filling up the 12 or so seats, and often filmmakers traded viewings – you see my film, I see yours. What was very clear though was that the short film buyers weren’t coming to these screenings. Ultimately, how beneficial this was, I am not sure.
I kind of liken the whole experience to speed-dating. You meet a “filmmaker”, you talk yourself up for 5 or so minutes with your key credentials, a few names dropped-in etc etc (which got really tiresome by the 3rd day of the festival, I for one am not really ‘into’ this practice) until the “filmmaker” realises you have nothing really to offer them (or they realise you don’t know anyone important enough), and then they are off to the next filmmaker. It kind of felt like a one-night stand – I felt a little cheap by the end. I got a few business cards out of it but I wander if they will remember my name?
But back to the reason I went to the festival – 1. To find a sales agent/distributor for Australian Writer/Director/Auteur Anna Kannava’s Kissing Paris, the feature film with me in it (yes, now who is blowing their own horn now?). And 2. To get some feedback for my short film “Nocito”. Let’s start with No. 2, because No. 1, well, its rather boring. Quite frankly nobody gives a toss about this film back in Australia. Except the Brisbane Internatinional Film Festival where it premiered in August last year. But I won’t give up. So I will leave it at that. Now back to No. 2. So, after much ahhhing and, well, aahhhhing, I am seriously considering chopping the film up a little, making it shorter and remaking the ending. Now, I could just leave it alone, but the nagging feeling and the persistent comments of “it’s a good film but it could be better” continued to stay with me and for me, well, I don’t think I could just move on and let it go.
So to change the topic a bit, other wonderful things I also learnt was this new thing (well, not so new but its just the start of the beginning of something big) called crowd funding, (google it!) how you can utilise the net to your advantage and looking outside the conventional box of film distribution to other avenues of getting your film seen. Whew!
Some interesting filmmakers whom I met along the way include: Australian filmmaker Scott Wurth, who made a wonderful documentary called “Tira Bakal/Striking Metal” about the crucifixions in the Philippines. I found it gruesome to watch because I basically have a weak stomach but it really is a marvellous doco. And expect big things to come from Scott in the future.
I was also fortunate enough to meet Al Mehicevic, who made the short film “Razor” which will screen at the St Kilda short film festival this year. What was also a very funny side note, my parents has sent me a news article from their local paper (Noble Park) about local filmmaker Al and his film, so as soon as I saw him at the Screen Australia Welcoming Drinks I recognised him straight away. It made for a lovely introduction too. I also came across Perth Filmmaker Camille Chen, who I will always remember for having the most impressive press kit I have ever seen for a short film.
One amazing thing did happen though - i use the term amazing because it was just a bloody miracle. I actually lost not just one mobile but two mobile phones in the Palais during the fest. One was an iphone and the other one of my crappy, well used, fallen down the toilet numerous times kind of mobile phone. During an intense 45 min I had left my mobile phone near a computer station somewhere. When I realised it was missing, retracing my footsteps and trying to get people to assist me was another matter! After receiving no help, and discovering that the Lost and Found was closed I pretty much all but gave up on ever finding it again. The next morning I went to the Lost and Found and the slightly hostile woman told me she had nothing and that I should tell the police. I didn't bother, I knew it would be a waste of time. During the day I felt completely lost without my phones. And I lost faith in humanity. I hoped that whoever found my mobile would be enjoying them!
It was just a last minute thought in the afternoon when I decided to go back to the Lost and Found hoping for some miracle. Well the miracle did happen. As soon as I announced that I had lost my mobile phones the same said woman before disappeared into another room and emerged with both my mobile phones. I cannot begin to express how grateful I was at that moment. The woman sensed my relief and after promising that I would kiss her and expressing my utmost gratefullness I left, completely stunned that I had found back my phones. The woman transformed by the end, seeing my joy, could not help but feel enormously happy for me. So...the moral of the story is - miracles can happen!
SO, if you are ever thinking about coming to the Cannes Film Festival it is definitely worth it, if not for the sheer amount of information overload then at least being fully immersed in what is truly, (and sadly to some extent) what the film industry is all about.
Dear Natalie
ReplyDeleteI love your site it looks fantastic, very CHIC. i too felt part of a pack in Canne and I was fortunate to meet you and friends, it was great fun.
Thank you Natalie for your words of praise and appreciation. Locarno won't happen for me this year which is dissappointing for "Panata" for it was my hope and dream to be selected. I love that place!
Exciting news For Tira Bakal however it has been selected into nine int film festivals including Rhode Island (Academy accredited festival). The crew both in Australia and the Philippines are very proud and in the heart of the Blue Mountains there was a grown man crying with emotion,it's been a long Journey!
Warm regards
Hi Scott
ReplyDeleteSorry for the delayed reply. Thanks for your comments. Hope you are well and congrats on the success of your doco. I hope you are able to get funding for your next one!